Neuron cells system

Neuron cells system

Supporting Healthcare Professionals in Advancing Patient Health with Sanofi

We help healthcare professionals serve patients, exchange scientific knowledge, and share trusted educational materials locally.

How we interact with healthcare professionals

We foster relationships with healthcare professionals (HCPs) to share up-to-date information about our products, exchange scientific and medical insights, and disseminate educational information that could help patients better understand and manage their conditions.

To ensure these interactions are relevant, meet the highest ethical standards, and comply with international and regional regulations, the focus of this work is local.

Managed Access Programs (MAPs)

Investigational medicines, that is, medicines for which a marketing authorization application is ongoing or medicinal products which are not yet commercially available, may be used to treat certain people who are affected by life-threatening, long-lasting or seriously debilitating illnesses and are unable to participate in a clinical trial. Under certain circumstances, we make such medicines available to eligible patients.

Post-trial access

Some people may benefit from an investigational product during a clinical trial, but don’t have access to the product once their participation has ended. That might be because it hasn’t been approved, or it is not yet on the market.

Under these circumstances and based on medical need, we may provide “post-trial access” to the experimental product.

Humanitarian aid

Through our humanitarian programs for rare diseases and hemophilia, we support people throughout the world who have few or no treatment options.

Clinical Trials: External Sponsored Research

We support bona fide research designed to advance science toward treatments that improve the standard of care. We receive, review, and respond to unsolicited proposals from health care professionals, scientists, and researchers or institutions (i.e. external sponsor) for research support.

Unsolicited proposals may be for Investigator Sponsored Studies (ISS) and Externally Sponsored Collaborations (ESC).

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Page updated November 2022

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