Board of Directors


Members of our Board of Directors are appointed for a maximum term of four years - reappointment of Directors is done on a rotation basis.


The Board of Directors defines the strategic business guidelines and directions of the Company, and supervises their implementation. Subject to the powers expressly attributed to the Shareholders’ General Meeting, and within the scope of the company’s corporate purpose, the Board of Directors’ powers cover all issues relating to the proper management of the company and through its decisions the Board determines all matters falling within its authority.

Composition of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors, appointed by the shareholders, is composed of 17 members, two of whom are employee representatives.

Frédéric Oudéa - Chairman of the Board of Directors

Frédéric Oudéa

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Term expires 2027

Paul Hudson - Director at the Board of Directors of Sanofi, Chairman of the Executive Committee and Member of the Strategy Committee of Sanofi

Paul Hudson

Chief Executive Officer

Term expires 2026

Christophe Babule - Independant Director at the Board of Directors of Sanofi and Member of the Audit Committee

Christophe Babule


Term expires 2026

Clotilde Delbos

Clotilde Delbos

Independent director

Term expires 2027

Rachel Duan - Independent director at the Board of Directors of Sanofi and Member of the Compensation Committee

Rachel Duan

Independent director

Term expires 2028

Carole Ferrand - Independent director at the Board of Directors of Sanofi and Member of the Audit Committee

Carole Ferrand

Independent director

Term expires 2025

Lise Kingo - Independent director at the Board of Directors of Sanofi and Member of the Appointments, Governance and CSR Committee

Lise Kingo

Independent director

Term expires 2028

Patrick Kron - Independent director at the Board of Directors of Sanofi, Chairman of the Compensation Committee, Member of the Appointments, Governance and CSR Committee and Member of the Strategy Committee

Patrick Kron

Independent director

Term expires 2026

Wolfgang Laux - Director representing employees (designated by the European Works Council) at the Board of Directors of Sanofi and Member of the Compensation Committee

Wolfgang Laux

Director representing employees (designated by the European Works Council)

Term expires 2025

Barbara Lavernos - Director at the Board of Directors of Sanofi and Member of the Appointments, Governance and CSR Committee

Barbara Lavernos


Term expires 2025

Fabienne Lecorvaisier - Independent director at the Board of Directors of Sanofi and Chairwoman of the Audit Committee

Fabienne Lecorvaisier

Independent director

Term expires 2025

Anne-Françoise Nesmes

Anne-Françoise Nesmes

Independent director

Term expires 2027

Gilles Schnepp - Independent director at the Board of Directors of Sanofi, Chairman of the Appointments, Governance and CSR Committee and Member of the Strategy Committee

Gilles Schnepp

Independent director

Term expires 2026

John Sundy

John Sundy

Independent director

Term expires 2027

Ceng-Yann Tran - Director representing employees (designated by the CFDT, Sanofi’s first trade union organization in France) at the board of Directors of Sanofi

Ceng-Yann Tran

Director representing employees

Term expires 2025

Emile Voest - Independent director at the board of Directors of Sanofi and Member of the Scientific Committee

Emile Voest

Independent director

Term expires 2025

Antoine Yver - Independent director at the board of Directors of Sanofi and Member of the Scientific Committee

Antoine Yver

Independent director

Term expires 2025

Board Diversity

Each year, the Board of Directors conducts a review to ensure that there is an appropriate balance in its composition. In particular, the Board seeks to ensure gender balance and a broad diversity of backgrounds and countries of origin, international experience, reflecting Sanofi’s status as a diversified global business.


Women represent 47% of members. 8 Directors are non-French. Above all, the Board seeks directors who show independence of mind and who are competent, dedicated and committed.

Independence of Board Members

Under the terms of the AFEP-MEDEF corporate governance code of listed corporations, a Director is independent when he or she has no relation of any kind whatsoever with the company, its group or its management that may interfere with his or her freedom of judgement.


80% of members are independent (according to French Law, Directors representing employees are excluded when calculating the proportion of independent Directors).

Summary table

DirectorAgeNationalityFirst AppointedTerm expiresSeniorityACAGCCCSCSciCEC

Frédéric Oudéa

Chairman of the Board of Directors
61FrenchMay 2023General Meeting 20271XCX

Paul Hudson

Chief Executive Officer
57BritishSeptember 2019General Meeting 20265XC

Christophe Babule

59FrenchFebruary 2019General Meeting 20265X

Clotilde Delbos

Independent director
57FrenchApril 2024General Meeting 2027<1XX

Rachel Duan

Independent director
54ChineseApril 2020General Meeting 20284X

Carole Ferrand

Independent director
54FrenchMay 2022General Meeting 20252C

Lise Kingo

Independent director
63DanishApril 2020General Meeting 20284X

Patrick Kron

Independent director
71FrenchMay 2014General Meeting 202610XCX

Wolfgang Laux

Director representing employees (designated by the European Works Council)
56GermanApril 2021General Meeting 20253X

Barbara Lavernos

56FrenchApril 2021General Meeting 20253XX

Fabienne Lecorvaisier

Independent director
62FrenchMay 2013General Meeting 202511X

Anne-Françoise Nesmes

Independent director
53British, FrenchApril 2024General Meeting 2027<1X

Gilles Schnepp

Independent director
66FrenchMay 2020General Meeting 20264CX

John Sundy

Independent director
63AmericanApril 2024General Meeting 2027<1X

Ceng-Yann Tran

Director representing employees
58FrenchMay 2021General Meeting 20253

Emile Voest

Independent director
65DutchMay 2022General Meeting 20252X

Antoine Yver

Independent director
66French, American, SwissMay 2022General Meeting 20252XC

AC: Audit Committee
AGC: Appointments, Governance and CSR Committee
CC: Compensation Committee
SC: Strategy Committee
SciC: Scientific Committee
C: Chairman/Chairwoman