Sanofi partnering with the Ghana Ministry of Health to improve affordable access to diabetes care


In order to offer solutions adapted to local needs, Sanofi is piloting a new business model in selected low-and middle-income countries to increase access to insulin.  Countries are chosen based on their governments committing to tackle non-communicable diseases (NCDs); the priority of diabetes on their healthcare agenda; and government interest in incorporating analog insulins, recently included in the WHO EML (WHO Model List of Essential Medicines).

 These innovative partnerships with healthcare authorities will provide the blueprint to scale up the program within the pilot country, as well as to expand to other countries over the next three to five years. By rolling out this new business model, we are aiming to improve the lives of 190,000 people living with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes within the next 5 years.

 The recently signed Ghana-Sanofi partnership delivered through Sanofi’s General Medicines Business Unit and in close collaboration with the Ministry of  Health  of  Ghana  and  other  stakeholders  and  partners includes high-quality analogue insulins at affordable price (included in WHO EML now), patient disease awareness, HCP training, regional care centers, and digital solutions.

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