To close the trust gap and build a more accessible healthcare system for the future, we must make sure under-represented voices are heard.
That’s why we’re pleased to announce the establishment of the A Million Conversations Advisory Group. It’s a network comprising experts, advocates, and inspirational leaders from around the world. While their backgrounds and professions differ significantly, they all share a common goal: challenging inequities to help shape a more inclusive future.
Our ten inaugural members will each serve a two-year term on a voluntary basis, helping to shape the future of A Million Conversations. The group is convened by The Health Policy Partnership, which also provides secretariat support.
To truly earn trust and foster inclusivity, we need action and accountability, not just words. This initiative is a catalyst for change, building on dialogues to create innovative and impactful actions. I’m looking forward to collaborating with other members of the A Million Conversations Advisory Group.

Marisa Miraldo
Professor of Health Economics and an Academic Director at Imperial College Business School (ICBS)
Meet The Advisory Group Members

Elizabeth Adams
Former President, European Federation of Nurse Associations

Jabeer Butt OBE
Chief Executive, Race Equality Foundation

Kristi Mitchell MPH
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Health Equity Outcomes

Professor Marisa Miraldo PhD
Professor of Health Economics and Academic Director, Imperial College Business School (ICBS)

Professor Phillip Della AM PhD FACN
John Curtin Distinguished Emeritus Professor, University of Curtin

Made Wikandana
Disability Rights Advocate

Dr Kristine Sørensen PhD
President, International Health Literacy Association; Chair, Health Literacy Europe

Dr Racky Ka-Sy PhD
Social Psychologist and Independent Researcher

Tuisina Ymania Brown
Executive Director of Transgender Europe (TGEU) and the Co-President of Interpride

Dr Mariagrazia Squicciarini
Chief of Executive Office, Social and Human Sciences Sector, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
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