Meet our partners
In the United States we’re partnering with the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and Rutgers University Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy to foster a diverse and inclusive STEM community for students from underrepresented ethnic backgrounds.

Thurgood Marshall College Fund

Rutgers University Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy

Meet our scholars

Alexis Shaw
"Representation in healthcare is vital to ensure diverse perspectives, experiences, and needs are acknowledged and addressed, ultimately leading to more inclusive, accessible, and effective healthcare for all."

Amanda Bocko
"Fostering diversity and representation in the healthcare sector is a mean to improve the quality and equity of healthcare services, making them more responsive to the needs of a diverse and multicultural society."

Amari Battle
"In healthcare, it is often that people who look like me do not receive the treatment they deserve, so I want to advocate for a just system with equitable care."

Amari Thomas
"Success is not Final. Failure is not Fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts." - Sir Winston Churchill

Amber Frye
"Representation in the healthcare sector is essential to ensure that practitioners have the cultural competency and sensitivity to understand the unique circumstances of diverse populations and to counter unconscious bias in the profession."

Anabell Castillo
"Being a Sanofi NextGen Scholar is pivotal for me as a first-generation latina pharmacy student. It signifies breaking down barriers, fostering inclusivity, and paving the way for underrepresented voices in the healthcare sector."

Anaya Thomas
"Representation in healthcare is an important first step in building the trust of the minority communities that we are fighting for."

Antonio Jackson
"To be a Sanofi NextGen Scholar is a step in the right direction and is helping me to become someone that can see the future clearer than before."

Aquaria Sims
"Representation is important to me because it promotes inclusiveness for minorities and helps to ensure equality in holistic care."

Arwyn Peak
"Representation in healthcare offers a sense of understanding and empathy for the concerns that I as an African-American male am challenged with daily. As Dr. King said, “Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhumane.”"

Ashley Kang
"I envision a more equitable environment for all aspiring healthcare professionals, so that we can all be empowered to fulfill unmet patient needs."

Beyyianah Akbar
"You don’t have to be so jaded and think you have all the answers—that’s boring"

Bria Smith
"Representation in healthcare is important to me because there is mistrust toward the sector, which stems from previous experiences or a history of wrongdoings, which could have been prevented with diversity and representation. "

Brian Gyamfi-Mensah
"Representation in the healthcare sector is essential to me because receiving care from someone who understands you and your background is a very reassuring feeling."

Briana Dorval
"As a Sanofi NextGen Scholar, I will be able to step into a world where I can bring my personal touch to healthcare representation, envisioning myself as a diverse lawyer advocating for critical healthcare issues that affect underrepresented communities."

Bryce Johnson
"Being a Sanofi NextGen Scholar to me is the opportunity of a lifetime. It means having a voice in the healthcare industry and being provided the resources to do so."

Carl Simon
"Representation is essential to guarantee compassion and patient-centered care. Mirroring the communities served allows for best service to patients who can entrust their health to professionals that truly understand their situations."

Cayla Moore
"It does no good to deny that there are preventable health disparities. It might be a difficult conversation for some, but it's a necessity for real leaders that advocate for justice for diverse and marginalized communities."

Charbel Eid
"Becoming a Sanofi NextGen Scholar is not just a step forward but a transformative leap in being the driving force behind the progress and positive impact on the world."

Chiquita Thompson
"Representation in healthcare will provide patients with familiarity because they see someone who looks like them. They will be more willing to talk to their doctors freely because we experienced some of the same things they did."

Cristian Simms
"To walk into a healthcare facility and essentially see myself in the workers allows for a healthy environment and in turn creates a place where ALL people can heal."

Daisha Patton
"Representation means that people of colour can build trust and have cultural components of their life considered when diagnosing or providing care. I aim to contribute to this dismantling of health disparities through nursing and research. "

Daniel-Ashley Lindo
"Representation is important to me as it is crucial to cater to the needs of a diverse population, promoting inclusivity and fostering a more equitable and effective healthcare system."

Danyelle Palmore
"Everyone deserves to see themselves being provided for towards a positive wellbeing. Diversity in healthcare promotes better health outcomes and reduces negative emotional, physical and mental challenges."

Darrell Taylor Jr
"Representation in the healthcare sector is important to me as a Black man due to how health problems disproportionately plague people of my race and how often they go unnoticed."

Donovan Franklin
"Representation in healthcare is important because it can ease the distrust that underserved populations have in our healthcare system"

Efam Taylor
"Coming from a low-income background in Liberia and seeing the health impact of war, I have always had empathy for people who are in need of better care. It is my dream to make an impact in this field and make a difference in peoples lives."

Emmanuel Wheagar
"I aspire to be a beacon of hope not only to the underrepresented and adversely affected minority populations but also to our future healthcare professionals."

Gabriella-Ann Matthews
"Being the change you want to see means bringing the change to the industry and making it all you know, while bringing awareness to the challenges the community faces within it."

Ifeoma Enekebe
"Representation in the healthcare system ensures a more culturally sensitive and equitable care delivery approach for diverse populations."

Jade Blanchard
"As a Sanofi NextGen Scholar, I embrace this journey, recognising that change is not just a destination; it's the evolution of my potential and my motivation for a brighter future."

Jamal Irby
"As a computer science major, the change is profound in being a Sanofi NextGen Scholar, where my journey unfolds with transformative opportunities."

Janiya Allen
"Representation in the healthcare sector is important because doctor-patient relationships in the Black community are the difference between life and death for so many patients of color. "

Jaya Robinson
"As a Sanofi Next Gen Scholar, I am empowered to lead, create change, and impact members of my community, through my personal and professional growth."

Jimesha Barnes
"Representation is important to me because it contributes to better healthcare outcomes, increased access to care, and a more inclusive and equitable healthcare system."

Joseph Lucas
"To be a Sanofi NextGen Scholar is a great change as I can pave the way for future scholars and set the standard as the first class of scholars to be selected."

Josiah Riddick
"Representation in the healthcare sector is important to me because it will help build trust and comfortability within the sector."

Justin Green
"Becoming an inaugural NexGen Scholar represents a pivotal point, both personally and professionally, in my life."

Kai Pierre
"As NextGen Scholar, I am not just a recipient of knowledge; I am a catalyst for change. I am excited to embrace the opportunity to shape the future of healthcare, where innovation meets compassion."

Khalea Avery
"Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will". Suzy Kassem

Kianna Hendricks
"The scholarship enables me to leverage my passion for equity with my economics and data science background to become an informed leader, using evidence-based insights to foster health equity."

Kristopher Wilkins
"It is truly a blessing to be a Sanofi Next Gen scholar - this opportunity is nothing short of amazing, I hope to continue to be a good leader and an outstanding scholar."

Laila Scroggins
"Representation in healthcare is important because we are bringing chairs to the table for little brown boys and girls to envision themselves changing the lives of those in need."

Lexi Bushrod
"It is important that the Black community experiences more visibility as it relates to its overall wellness. I hope to inspire the next little Black girl in STEM to find her place in this world and make an even greater impact!"

Madison Gloster
"I'm honored to be a Sanofi NextGen Scholar, and to be granted an opportunity that empowers me to pave the way for groundbreaking advancements in healthcare."

Megan Lee
"Increasing representation in the healthcare sector makes patients more comfortable, reduce their anxiety, boosts adherence, and improves results."

Michael Clark
"Underrepresented people, particularly Black women, have been historically mistreated by medical professionals. We need healthcare to be care led. People need to feel included and safe with medical professionals so trust and understanding can grow."

Mykhayla Carroll
"The chance it is for me to be a NextGen scholar means I can promote diversity and transformation in STEM for women of color."

Nadia Dob
"Representation in healthcare is critical to me because patients can connect with their healthcare provider, making them more comfortable about seeking care, and creating role models for the next generation."

Nicole Lombardo
"Being a Sanofi NextGen Scholar provides the opportunity to learn from and be a part of an exceptional group of diverse peers and mentors."

Olivia Saez
"Being a Sanofi NextGen Scholar means the opportunity to reshape a system in order to provide equitable and high quality care for a diverse set of patients."

Pierce Medy
"I am committed to advocating for African-American representation in healthcare as a tribute to the trailblazers who paved the way for me. I feel a responsibility to amplify the voices of my community, whose concerns are often unheard."

Rahjade Anderson
"As an African American woman traumatized by years of healthcare discrimination, representation in healthcare for me means knowing I, my family and my posterity will be equally cared for in a time of need."

Shadarria Hawkins
"In the classroom of life, education is the key that unlocks the doors of opportunity, enabling us to sculpt our destinies and inspire others along the way. "

T’Aaliyah Henderson
“Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.” - C.J. Walker

Timiyah Rivera
"Due to discrimination against minorities in healthcare, representation is important to increase diversity and unity between healthcare workers and their community."

Trevion Ivory
"Representation is important, especially in the healthcare sector, and is essential for the younger generation of black and brown children to see what they are capable of."

Tyrell Johnson
"I can accept failing, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying". Michael Jordan

Wayne Watson Jr
"Representation allows people who look like me to not be afraid to seek medical care when they need it, better their health, and improve their overall quality of life."