Sanofi's Impulsions 2024: Pioneering Conversations

Pioneering Conversations for a Better Tomorrow

As Premium Partner of Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, we want to build on the momentum around the event.
Our mission?
Spotlighting societal challenges and sparking meaningful conversations. From diversity, equity, and inclusion to health and innovation, we merge the worlds of science and sport to foster universal access to knowledge and nurture a more inclusive society. Impulsions 2024 is a series of four transformative events hosted at our sites across France.

Catalyzing Change at Impulsions 2024’s Inaugural Event

Impulsions 2024 kicked off in June 2023 at our Marcy-l'Étoile Vaccines Research & Development Hub near Lyon. The inaugural event welcomed 200 participants, including regional institutional actors,  non-profits partners, athletes, mentors, and local Sanofi volunteers for Paris 2024 . Together, they delved deep into the pressing topics of diversity and inclusion, celebrating the strides we've made and contemplating the challenges ahead.

Marcy-l'Étoile stands as a testament to our commitment. Here, our dedicated team mentors over 56 young individuals from underserved neighborhoods, and every year, 150 apprentices from diverse backgrounds are trained on-site.

A More Sport-Oriented, Preventive and Inclusive Health Care Journey

The second edition of Impulsions 2024, organized at our production site in Tours, focused on the health care journey. If the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games are a unique opportunity to put more physical activity in our lives, we can also implement it in health care. This meeting was an opportunity for us to discuss topics such as strengthening the preventive aspect of the health pathway as well as ensuring its inclusivity aspects.

The event brought together over 140 participants, from politicians, healthcare professionals, athletes to our employees. It also provided an opportunity to highlight our Tours site, one of the leading companies in the Indre-et-Loire department.

On the Ground

Aerial view of the Research & Development and vaccine production site at Marcy-l'Étoile
Aerial view of the Research & Development and vaccine production site at Marcy-l'Étoile

Our origins are in France, where we are established in 9 regions. This local presence is unique in the industry. It's a powerful asset when it comes to bringing people together on the field, with our local partners and with those who are making a real difference in the regions.

This is why we have chosen to organize the Impulsions 2024 meetings at our sites in France.

The Journey Ahead

The momentum is building. Through compelling stories from elite athletes, partners, associations, policymakers, and passionate Sanofians, we aim to inspire and stay inspired.

Join us on this exciting journey as we impulse dialogue, initiate change, and shape a more inclusive and innovative future together.

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Sanofi X Paris 2024