The Meningitis Flag Awarded The Impact 2024 Label

The Meningitis Flag just got a new label: “Impact 2024,” a certification delivered by Paris 2024 and its partners, reserved for general interest programs that put sports into service of social impact.
“Impact 2024” represents an important recognition for the Meningitis Flag and its supporting athletes as an engine for protecting health and for inclusivity, solidarity, and equality, all leading up to this summer’s games.
The Paris 2024 Olympic Game and its partners seek to recognize the organizations that daily reinforce the important place that sports hold in society. In particular, the program supports projects that use sports as a tool for social impact, particularly collective projects that involve multiple stakeholders in society.
Indeed, the unifying power of the Games, and sports in general, can make a big difference, well beyond the field. So, the Impact 2024 label brings greater visibility to the meningitis awareness effort, including the incredible ways today’s top Paralympic athletes have overcome their disabilities to lead both in their sports and in their communities.

Théo Curin, Ellie Challis and Davide Morana flying the Meningitis Flag
The Meningitis Flag’s important work to drive meningitis awareness needs to continue because meningitis still affects more than 2.5 million people globally each year.1 It is life-threatening and can harm anyone of any age, and bacterial meningitis is the most common and dangerous kind.1, 2 The good news is it’s largely preventable, however despite substantial progress in the last two decades, meningitis remains the world’s 6th largest infectious disease killer.1, 3
This is why the flag is so important.
In 2023, the Meningitis Research Foundation (MRF), the Confederation of Meningitis Organisations (CoMO), and Sanofi, along with three para-athletes affected by the disease: Theo Curin, Davide Morana, and Ellie Challis, all came together to create and launch the Meningitis flag.
It is the first-ever global symbol to unite the world in the fight against meningitis and support the aims of WHO’s global roadmap to Defeat Meningitis by 2030. In its colors and design, it represents the individual, the family, friends and health care professionals that support patients, and the community’s collective drive to defeat meningitis.
With the Meningitis Flag the meningitis community aims to:

Find out more:

A unifying symbol

Defeating Meningitis

Sanofi’s support
- World Health Assembly endorses the 1st ever resolution on meningitis prevention and control. World Health Organization.
- WHO. Meningococcal meningitis. Available at: Accessed March 2024
- Meningitis Research Foundation and the Confederation of Meningitis Organisations. Defeating Meningitis. Our Strategy 2021-2025. Available at: [Accessed March 2024]