How to manage diabetes with education

Published on: April 26, 2023


KiDS program
Managing diabetes goes beyond just the medicine. That is why we are helping to improve access to education through our diabetes support programs. We want to transform the way diabetes is controlled and providing education for people in low to middle income countries can make a real difference.

Our ambition to transform the way diabetes is controlled 

Studies have shown that after participation in education programs there is an improvement in blood sugar control in people with diabetes living in low to middle income countries.1,2  

Our aim is to transform the way diabetes, and related diseases, are controlled and treated, not just with medicines, but with a holistic approach, especially for under-served populations, regardless of economic status. We believe diabetes education is a critical tool for individuals living with the condition and for the healthcare professionals who care for them.  

We support diabetes programs to improve healthcare professionals’ understanding of the latest concepts and treatment guidelines. This enables people living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes of all ages to have a better understanding of their condition and improve self-management between clinic clinical visits.  

Programs to support HCPs and people living with type 1 & 2 diabetes 

We support multiple programs worldwide focusing on: ​​​​​​

  • Education for people living with diabetes, carers and healthcare professionals  

  • Support to individuals through screening clinics  

  • Access to insulin for all that need it, regardless of where they live

An example of one of the flagship programs that we are proud to support is the Kids and Diabetes in Schools (KiDS) initiative. Since 2013, we have partnered with the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) to bring diabetes education to schools.3 The aim of this program is to fight diabetes-related stigma and promote healthy lifestyles to tackle the preventable risk factors for type 2 diabetes. 

To date, structured KiDS programs have been introduced into classrooms in over 2,100 schools across 45 countries, engaging more than 340,000 children and around 19,800 teachers.

What can we do better in the future? 

As we look to the future, much more is needed to ensure people living with diabetes can gain the education they need to optimize their diabetes management. At Sanofi, we are committed to helping this become a reality through our partnerships with the diabetes community.  


Explore more

For 100 years, our breakthrough advances have helped define standards of treatment for people living with diabetes.
Digitally powered personalized healthcare will help us revolutionize and improve access to treatments and meet modern challenges.
The power of ‘Time in Range’ as a way to monitor blood sugar levels which can help balance diet, daily activity and treatment.


1. Essien O, et al. (2017) Intensive Patient Education Improves Glycaemic Control in Diabetes Compared to Conventional Education: A Randomised Controlled Trial in a Nigerian Tertiary Care Hospital. PLoS ONE 12:e0168835; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0168835

2. Brady E.M., et al. (2021) EXTending availability of self-management structured EducatioN programmes for people with type 2 Diabetes in low-to-middle income countries (EXTEND)—a feasibility study in Mozambique and Malawi. BMJ Open 11:e047425; doi: 10.1136/ bmjopen-2020-047425

3. International Diabetes Federation KiDS (2022). Kids and diabetes in schools. Accessed October 2022.

4. International Diabetes Federation KiDS (2022). Success stories. Accessed October 2022. 

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